Spring Special – Use the code “B2G1F” to get 3 Patterns for the Price of 2 at checkout!

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How to Make a Muscle Suit: Everything You Need to Know + 10 Real-World Tips

Man in a Black Panther suit holding a fake weapon (How to Make a Muscle Suit: Everything You Need to Know + 10 Real-World Tips)

Creating a muscle suit can take an ordinary costume to the next level, giving you a more realistic and impressive appearance. It’s also a great way to stand out at a convention. After all, Comic-Con draws in nearly 130,000 people every each and each person is dressed to impress. Whether you’re dressing up as a […]

How to Make Cosplay Armor in 7 Easy Steps

4NEO Designs customer wearing cosplay armor (how to make cosplay armor)

In the cosplay world, a stunning piece of armor can turn heads and make you feel like you’ve stepped straight out of a movie or game. But the thought of making your own cosplay armor can be daunting, especially if you’re new to crafting. Fear not, because we’ve got you covered with this step-by-step guide […]

Updating Website

Hi Everyone, I am currently working on redoing my website, I could use your help, please send me any pictures you have of you wearing a suit of mine. you can upload below using the form or tag me in any social media use #4neodesigns in the post if you could please give me permission […]

Help a Hero B.O.D.M.A.N.

Hi All, A close friend from Houston Bodman has been hurt and were looking for the community to help him through this. Click the link for the GoFundMe that has been set up for him. Please help with anything you can. See below , and thank for your help. http://gf.me/u/ufrn9r

Louisiana Comic-con Sept. 16-17

Join Mark Dupuis with 4neodesigns at#louisianacomiccon in Lafayette, LA on September 16-17 2017 at the Cajun Dome. *not a real guest just going to have fun.  

Check out page fixed

Hi Everyone, we were experiencing some check out issues, and those issues have been resolved.

2017 Summer Sale

Hello,   The Summer Sale will be ending this Friday August 3rd 2017 at midnight.   Our summer sale is back! Take advantage while you can.     Get 50% off when you purchase  $60 or more.   For example: 1 pattern is $35. 2 patterns is $70 apply code summersale at checkout, and your […]


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